Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Importing Liferay Projects of Different Versions

Let's say we have a Liferay project developed in Liferay version 6.1.1 and you need to import the project in Liferay 6.1.3.
Things that need to be changed are:
  1. The licenses and liferay-version properties in the liferay-plugin-package.properties file.
  2. You may have to change few classes or methods that may not be available in the new/old version.
I have a Liferay CE v6.1.1 portlet that needs to be imported in Liferay EE v6.1.3. In the <portlet>/WEB_INF/liferay-plugin-package.properties file, we find the below properties.

To import the project in your Liferay IDE, easiest way is to open up the <portlet>/WEB_INF/liferay-plugin-package.properties file from an existing portlet and copy values of licenses and liferay-versions properties to the project that needs to be imported.
I'm using Liferay EE v6.1.3 and found the below values:
We'll have to update the values in the portlet that has to be imported.
Feel free to post Comments.

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